Summertime in Summertown

I’m not one for heat. Even though school is out in the summer and I remember liking that as a kid, I would have to say that summer is pretty much my least favorite season. I just don’t like being hot. However, I still stand by the fact that Tennessee summers have been WAY better than I could have ever …


Our population here at Shalom Farm has SORED to outrageous heights in only about six short weeks. We’ve hit the big 5-0 if you can believe that! 5 humans 3 dogs 2 cats 16 chickens 9 turkeys 12 guinea fowl 2 hogs and 1 Turdy- although I haven’t seen him in a while… 50- animals, all! Again, at one point, …

South Dakota

Okay, so turns out the alarm in our trailer in the middle of the night, probably wasn’t due to the Golden Retriever’s laying against it. Or at least not entirely. It was probably due to the fact that we were actually suffocating ourselves. I agree, that sounds dramatic, but we’ve never camped in the snow before with the trailer, so …