Good Grief

Grief is a hard thing. No matter how you slice it, it’s just stupid and hard. A very sad thing happened to my family yesterday. Our four month old Golden Retriever puppy was hit by a car in front of our house. My three sweet children and my husband and I all sobbed in our front yard as Tracker took …

Country living

As I sat there, at my daughters horse back riding lesson at 8am on a Monday, I was pleasantly aware of how beautiful life can be. It was about 70 degrees, german shepherd puppies were playing at my feet as I typed, and the view wasn’t half bad either. I used to hate Mondays. I used to stand in my …

Summertime in Summertown

I’m not one for heat. Even though school is out in the summer and I remember liking that as a kid, I would have to say that summer is pretty much my least favorite season. I just don’t like being hot. However, I still stand by the fact that Tennessee summers have been WAY better than I could have ever …

Tornado warning

I was just checking Facebook, as I’ve been known to do from time to time, and wouldn’t you know it, one year ago today we were issued our very first tornado warning. I remember it well! We had only lived in Tennessee one month, and I thought it was hilarious that we were already experiencing the adventures of the south. …

MOOOOve on over

So we’ve got cows! I imagine, that from the Reader’s perspective, it would seem that we are just randomly adding animals to our repertoire here, but I promise you that is only sometimes the case. I mean, the ducks- random. The cows and the larger livestock- not random. Thomas has been diligently praying about whether or not to get cows, …

Year one

One year ago yesterday, a family of seven- 2 adults, 3 kids, and 2 Goldens- arrived at Shalom Farm in Summertown, Tennessee. We had left Minden, Nevada nearly three weeks before that, and had been adventuring across the country as we transitioned from Westerners to Southerners. We were weary, tired, and ready to settle into our new home. We pulled …

Summertown, where the living’s easy

Seriously, that’s what is on the ‘Welcome’ sign leading into my town: ‘Summertown, where the living’s easy.’ Pretty clever, I think. Sorry for the delay in blogs- if you care- but for one, I went to a week long conference in Vegas, which was a blast but time consuming, and two, I’ve been chewing on a blog that I just …


They say the only thing constant is change. I think they’re right. At least when you’re on a farm, that’s true in almost every way. Spring is still fighting its way into the story here. The hundreds of tulips Thomas and the kids planted last fall are showing up one by one. Pink, yellow and the vibrant green of the …