Good Grief

Grief is a hard thing. No matter how you slice it, it’s just stupid and hard. A very sad thing happened to my family yesterday. Our four month old Golden Retriever puppy was hit by a car in front of our house. My three sweet children and my husband and I all sobbed in our front yard as Tracker took …

8 states

I don’t know if you follow me on social media or not (let me take this opportunity to suggest that you SHOULD and you can find links right on over on the right margin of this blog page) but if you do, you might have noticed that we have been on somewhat of a amazing race across this great country! …

Comparison killed the cat

You’ve all heard the saying, “Curiosity killed the cat!” But I think that little ditty is due for a revision. Comparison is the real killer, wouldn’t you agree? Man, it’s so funny how God works. I just taught on this topic at the Impact Women’s Conference in Nevada just last month, and yet it’s still been coming to front of …

A light in the darkness

On August 1, 2018, a 27 year old woman named Sam Sayers went on a hike at Vesper Peak in the Cascade Mountains in Northern Washington… She did not return. I’ve been waiting to write this blog because I wanted it to end on a happy note. I wanted to type the last period knowing the story was over- or …

Country living

As I sat there, at my daughters horse back riding lesson at 8am on a Monday, I was pleasantly aware of how beautiful life can be. It was about 70 degrees, german shepherd puppies were playing at my feet as I typed, and the view wasn’t half bad either. I used to hate Mondays. I used to stand in my …

The house that God will build

So I don’t care much for material things. I don’t like to spend more than $50 on jeans and I wear hand me downs on the regular without shame. I shop at Target and on Facebook marketplace. I wear Tiffany’s only because it’s been gifted to me. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I’d never buy it. I …

Summertime in Summertown

I’m not one for heat. Even though school is out in the summer and I remember liking that as a kid, I would have to say that summer is pretty much my least favorite season. I just don’t like being hot. However, I still stand by the fact that Tennessee summers have been WAY better than I could have ever …