Dangerous ground

Okay, Readers… it’s time we take a few steps onto some dangerous ground together. If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know that I’ve been on a hiatus this past month. We’ve been on a pretty intense travel schedule between my work and my husband’s rescue efforts (a story for another blog), and honestly I wasn’t sure exactly …


Hey there Readers, Happy (belated) 4th of July! We’ve had a busy few days over here, as we have visitors at the farm once again- Ba and Nana (my in laws)- and we’ve had plenty of adventure since they arrived on the 1st of July. But because yesterday was the day we celebrated our independence as a Nation, I figured …

Tat talk

Some of you may know, and maybe some of you will be surprised to know, but I have four tattoos. I see them all the time on people, and I like to ask what the story is behind each one… sometimes there is a good one, more often there is an embarrassing one that starts with, “Well, I was 18 …

Civil War

Be honest, you totally clicked on this because it’s Valentine’s day and you thought I was being clever with my title and referring to a ‘civil war’ in my relationship. Sorry to disappoint! Today I’m writing about the actual Civil War. But I’m glad you’re here! As I mentioned in my blog, Shalom Family, while my mom and Papa Scott …


Have you ever been attacked? I’m talking about the kind of attack, where you’re going about your day as if nothing is out of the ordinary, and all of the sudden someone shows up and scares you to your core. They hold a gun to your head, and they make you question absolutely every decision you’ve made that day to …